UnityEditor.GenericMenu:CatchMenu(Object, String, Int32)
IndexOutOfRangeException: Array index is out of range.įb圎 (Fb圎 mesh, fbxMesh, System.Int32 unmergedTriangles)įb圎 (Fb圎 meshInfo, fbxNode)įb圎 (UnityEngine.GameObject gameObject, fbxNode)įb圎 (UnityEngine.GameObject unityGo, fbxScene, fbxNodeParent, Int32 exportProgress, Int32 objectCount, Vector3 newCenter, TransformExportType exportType)įb圎 (IEnumerable`1 unityExportSet)įb圎 (System.String filePath, UnityEngine.Object objects)įb圎 ()įb圎 (UnityEditor.MenuCommand command)
Some of the objects can be easily exported, but some of them not. I would like to export all the objects (buildings, trees, and streets) as FBX. It consists of several 3D buildings, trees, and streets.